Thursday, February 28, 2013

En clase:

Hoy corregimos los borradores de párrafo 2&3.  
Today we corrected the drafts for paragraph 3.

 Escuchamos una canción para practicar el imperfecto.
We listened to a song to practice the imperfect.


Haz las correcciones y entrega el borrador completo mañana.
Do the corrections and turn in the complete draft tomorrow.  


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

***Párrafo 2&3 para mañana***

Have paragraph 2&3 printed before class tomorrow.

Today we did peer edits on paragraph 1 in class.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

En clase

Corregimos la hoja de trabajo sobre el imperfect y el preterito
We corrected the homework on the imperfect and the preterite.

We also did another activity to practice the two.


Trabaja en la redacción, párrafo 2&3 para jueves.
Work on the essay, paragraph 2&3 for Thursday.  

Monday, February 25, 2013

***Upcoming Due Dates***
martes el 26 - párrafo 1
jueves el 28 - párrafo 2 & 3
viernes el 1 - borrador completo (complete draft)

Hablamos del préterito y el imperfecto hoy.
We talked about the preterite and imperfect today.

Aquí hay dos hojas para practicar el uso y la conjugación de los dos tiempos.
Here are two sheets to practice the use and conjugation of the two tenses.
·         Imperfecto o préterito

Para mañana, escribe párrafo 1 de tu redacción. 
For tomorrow, write paragraph 1 of your paper.

Follow this link to see the requirements for the paper.  

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Evaluacíón mañana 
Vamos a tomar una evaluación sobre los verbos gustar.  Practica con esta prueba.
We are going to take an evaluation over gustar verbs.  Take this practice quiz.

Seguimos trabajando en nuestras obras hoy. Por favor traigan todo lo que necesitan a clase mañana.
We continued working on our artwork today. Please bring everything you need to class tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Esta semana vamos a hacer nuestras obras en clase. 
Hoy empezamos nuestras obras de arte.  Por favor traigan todas los materiales necesarios para crear tu obra en clase. 
Today we began our artwork in class.  Please bring all the necessary materials to create your artwork in class.

If you have done your artist research or artwork research you need to do this. 

Also, fill out the Propuesta (survey) about what you will be making.  This survey can be found on last Thursday's post. 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Make sure to bring your supplies to start your project on Wednesday!!

Also, fill out the proposal for your project found on Thursday’s post.
We did not take a quiz today due to the small class size.  Please be prepared to do so next week. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

***EVALUACION MAÑANA: Los verbos "Gustar"***

Hoy hicimos otra investigación sobre una obra de arte que realizó tu artista. 
Today we did more research about a work of art that your artist made.  

Hay también una propuesta hay que hacer para explicar la obra que van a realizar.
There is also a proposal to fill out to explain what you will be doing in your project.



Termina la investigación de tu obra. 
Finish the research form about your artist’s specific art piece.

Do this activity to practice for the evaluation.

Haz la propuesta en mi PD por el fin de viernes.
Do the proposal on my DP by the end of Friday.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013


En clase:
Miramos un video sobre Frida Kahlo y hicimos esta actividad de escuchar.
We watched a video about Frida Kahlo and did this listening activity.

Les di una hoja que explica la obra que van a realizar.
I gave you a sheet that explains the work of art that you are going to create.

Hay que buscar información sobre tu artista y contestar estas preguntas.
You need to look for information on your artist and fill out these questions.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

En Clase:
Miramos un video sobre Diego Rivera y hicimosesta actividad mientras miramos el video.
We watched a video about Diego Rivera and did this activity while we watched the video.

Hay hoja de práctica sobre los verbos como gustar. 
There is a worksheet over the gustar verbs. 

Tienes que escoger el artista que quieres estudiar para el trabajo.
Choose the artista that you want to study for the project.

Your artist must be:
· A native Spanish Speaker
· An artist of physical art (painter, sculptor etc…)
· Have various sources of information to research your artist.
· Does not have to be an artist we have studied.

Monday, February 11, 2013

En clase:
Hoy aprendemos sobre Pablo Picasso.  
Today we learned about Pablo Picasso.  
Empezamos con los verbos como “Gustar”.
We began on verbs like “Gustar”. Here is a worksheet that explains this conceptYou may also reference this PowerPoint.
Piensa en un artista que quieres para tu mentor para el trabajo que vamos a realizer esta semana.
Think of an artist you would like as your mentor for the project we wil be doing this week

Haz los problemas en la hoja de práctica.
Do the problems on the worksheet.  follow the link above. 


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Evaluacion Sobre las partes del cuerpo y los colores mañana!!

En Clase:
Hoy estudiamos el pintor Salvador Dali.
Today we studied Salvador Dali. You will need to get the article/worksheet on Dali from me since I do not have it on a digital format. Here is a short Powerpoint and a Youtubeclip on him.

Estudia para la evaluación mañana.
Study for the evaluation tomorrow.

Toma esta prueba de práctica.
Take thispractice quiz.

Aquí hay otras actividades que te puede ayudar.
Here are some other activities that can help you study.

En Clase:
Hoy estudiamos el pintor Salvador Dali.
Today we studied Salvador Dali. You will need to get the article/worksheet on Dali from me since I do not have it on a digital format. Here is a short Powerpoint and a Youtubeclip on him.

Estudia para la evaluación mañana.
Study for the evaluation tomorrow.

Toma esta prueba de práctica.
Take thispractice quiz.

Aquí hay otras actividades que te puede ayudar.
Here are some other activities that can help you study.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


En clase:
We reviewed the sheet over Goya.

Continuamos con la hoja sobre
We continued with the sheet on Gaudi and turned it in.

Haz esta actividad en Quia para practicar los colores y las partes del cuerpo.
Do this activity on Quia to practice the parts of the body and colors.

Do this practice quiz to study as well.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

En Clase:
Hoy hablamos de los colores y las partes del cuerpo y hicimos un juego para practicar.
Today we learned about the colors and parts of the body and played a game to practice.

Repasamos la tarea y hablamos de los colores.
We reviewed the homework and talked about colors.

Dibuja un monsturo y describelo en 8 frases usando los colores y las partes del cuerpo en cada frase.
Draw a monster and describe it in 8 sentences.
Use colors and a body part in each sentence.

Monday, February 4, 2013

En Clase:

Tomamos una evaluación.
We took an assessment.

Investigamos Gaudi y sus obras. Miraeste video y contesta estas preguntas por buscar las respuestas en la internet.
We researched Antoni Gaudi and his Works. Watch this video and answer these questions by looking for the answers on the internet.

Empezamos nuevo vocabulario sobre los colores y el cuerpo.
We started new vocabulary on the body and colors.

Haz la hoja de práctica sobre colores y partes del cuerpo.
Do the worksheet over colors and parts of the body.

Friday, February 1, 2013

En clase:

Hoy, no tomamos la evaluación.
Today we did not take the evaluation.  It appeared that most people were not ready for the test and I therefore have rescheduled it for Monday. See this link for a practice test.  
Aprendemos sobre Francisco Goya, un artista, por leer este sitio web y mirar este video.
We also learned about Francisco Goya, an artist, by reading this website and watching this video.

Finish the comprehension questions on Goya.